Managing Pain and Stress, Recover the Business with Reiki
The following protocols of Reiki Distant Healing treatment have been written down the end of June and in the first two weeks of July. You will notice that their character has changed.
Reiki is working on the energetic body harmonizing, balancing it and removing energy blockages step by step. For the energetic body consists of a few layers of energy and each of them may contain blockages, the healing work may take some time. In Dennis’ case, the first changes in energy and well-being occurred instantly. Click here if you want to learn more about Dennis.
But it took some time and several Reiki sessions given on a few days one after the other that more of the deeper imbalances and blockages could have been released and foundation built so that the physical body can heal.
As already mentioned a strong positive healing intention is fundamental for Reiki Healing. This Reiki Treatment that started as an experiment – on my side as a fresh-baked Reiki Master, of trying to give a hand, and also as an experiment on Dennis’ side, as a recipient of Reiki Energy, who was willing to accept any help given to him in an extremely challenging life situation where simultaneously health and business were breaking down – became transformed into an intuitively well-structured long-term Reiki Distant Healing on my side – I learned tons having access to Dennis’ Reiki protocols – and a beautiful and very efficient self-healing modality on Dennis’ side. A great win-win situation.
Image: Pixabay, Chakra Waves
Dennis has already an inspiring self-healing experience for he already mastered his cancer using inter alia Medical Cannabis and CBD Oil. (link) He is committed to this healing process. As a Reiki Practitioner, I paid attention to nurture this commitment and Dennis’ self-healing intention.
You will be surprised how many activities, challenges, and obstacles Dennis is able to master under the circumstances regarding his heart surgery and following necessary changes in his medication modalities.
Dennis’ message from 6-30-19: “Aloha and hello there,
I am hanging in there. Busy busy. Sorry about not communicating.
I feel the best in the morning and again at night emotionally and physically. The last live sessions were all different again and i guess it depends on my mood and environment, everything. Trust me also I am so thankful that you are doing this for me! I have done a little research and have seen the numbers I could rack up if I was paying you cash ???????? So thanks so much. What goes around comes around LOL. light and love~~~~
I still try to clear my mind and the first 2 days I never really made it lol struggled the whole time./ At the end though for a moment I felt spent, like I wanted to take a nap but I came out of it right away. Actually felt energized. The days got better and the 4th day I really got to a nice calm place. Both days I did reach a point where I was drifting and feeling the energy. Not sure of the timing but it felt as though the last day I had been actually out, for how long I am not sure. but I got up and felt the energy and was good to go!
Physically I am great really. The cardio rehab is 6 days a week now and I have lost 15 pounds and am holding there. It’s been 8 weeks. I am up to 50 minutes of cardio spread over 4 machines and weights then I try to swim a couple laps.
Image: Pixabay, Heart Chakra
7 yrs ago when I was on pharms I don’t think i could do this. Without the isolated CBD I think the Reiki has picked up the role of stimulating me to make Anandamide, the substance that the human brain makes that attaches to the cb1 receptor in the brain when needed. Anandamide is mimicked by a substance found in Cannabis known as THC!
It will make you not feel the pain in the same way opiods do. CBD tones down the inflammation and you don’t feel the pain without binding to anything just promoting homeostasis throughout your system to deal with inflammation and the pain is diminished unlike the brain binding THC or opiate. I went to a Medical Marijuana conference on Friday and got some amazing current info!
And I spoke with two doctors about the CBD / Brilinta enzyme interaction and they both said just space it out. 2 hrs after the meds or 2 hrs before. That’s twice as much time than the liver needs to metabolize either one. That’s great news!
Your student and follower in light and love~~~
onward n upward
Dennis’ message from 7-11-19: “Aloha
Sorry for not responding but I did get the message late but I have been trying to make 11 my meditation time. LOL finding my slot in the universe.
I have been crazy busy lately and I will give you a quick insight if I hadn’t already. Besides the Stent and Family stuff, I am doing community service 5 hrs a day 3 days a week, group counseling twice a week, One on one with a therapist once a week.
I am also the district captain for the Tampa Bay area with the Convention of States with 700+ volunteers and just got volunteered up to co-captain of the region with 5248 volunteers so my phone and email are alive LOL I am politically active on grassroots non-partisan issues and this is the most important one since the signing of the Constitution in 1787. Here’s a 3-minute video explaining it.
This is my link if you would like to sign the petition!
I digress lol
Image: Pixabay, Throat Chakra
I feel your energy out there all the time. Yes I would love to do it one on one whenever we can! I understand the hectic life of being independent and in charge of it all! I can be there for you too! Just keep it in the back of your mind for my schedule I am trying to do quiet at 11 as it is the middle of the day for me and that truly helps. Try is the operative word so if you know you are going to be live I will be for sure but I am always open to receive!
I am having a lot of progress with the little stuff that was bothering me and I am working out for an hour, pretty intense as cardiac rehab which makes me hurt but it’s that good hurt that makes me feel alive! Lol ????????????????????????
So whatever your doing keep it up!
I send light and love thru the universe from me and my family to you and your family”
My message to Dennis from 7-12-19: “Aloha Dennis!
Thank you very much for your email. I see it is lots going on with you.
Here the same. Additional, what is very good and I’m endlessly happy about it, I started two programs to improve my skills and my service.
The first one is the Energy Healer Certification with awesome tools to cleanse and coordinate and channel energy. For more information, please, click here.
The other one is a MAP Certification Program. MAP is an acronym of Manifesting All Possibilities. For more information click here. This is a big training and something I prepared myself already for many years. Last year I started to work on the topic of the power of emotions to manifest. I wanted to create a training that I would offer online. My website was the first step in this direction and led me to the book Abundance on Demand and to this program. This is amazing stuff for I even got a payment plan that allows me to start the program in …. AUGUST! This is the official date but of course, I started already and learn some things.
Image: Pixabay, Brow Chakra
Things are getting better here. However, it is chaotic right now. But is good. Very proud of us managing the situation.
Thank you! I’m very happy that Reiki helps you and you use the energy I send you to heal yourself!
You are doing and accomplishing a lot! Important that you take breaks!! Have your doggy around as often you can!
Yes, I feel your energy too. Since our last session and also after the Reiki Flow I installed for you, expired, I still sent you Reiki out of my own Reiki healing sessions every day and via the energy boosters up to 3x a day. It means you got Reiki every day.
I will send you Reiki on the four following days starting tomorrow, on Saturday at (5 am for me) and 11 am for you, until Tuesday.
Then we go from there. Probably chakra cleansing would be good next week.
Yes, you can be there for me, this opportunity will occur. And, this is actually important that we have good and balanced energy exchange. And, we will. My big reward right now is to read about your Reiki experienced. And, I plan to blog some articles about Reiki and would love to use your protocols in those posts.
I will check the links! Thank you!
This for now.
See you tomorrow morning!
Sending much Love and Light to you and your family!
Aloha, dear friend! Jenna”
I hope you enjoyed this part of the Reiki Chronicles. If you are curious for more, please join Dennis and me in the following part. Contact me if you have any questions or would like to have my support. If you find that the article has benefitted you, please share it.
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
Right on wow
This a wonderful experience and I could babble all day about it!
I have been consumed by my own stuff sorry
How is the Map training going? I read some but not all but intend to.
You are an amazing healer and I am so proud to be on this journey with you!
The only thing constant is change and I am sure up for a little change.
onward n upward
Oh no, Dennis! It was a pleasure to read!! My coach school was overwhelming the first two weeks, so much stuff to learn and pay attention to.
Right now I’m for almost six weeks at that and work through the seventh week of core training – I gave already eight MAP coaching sessions. Yeah!
Thank you very very much, Dennis! The pleasure is mine!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I only can give back that you are an awesome self-healer and I’m deeply impressed. And your willingness to share with me, and now with the world, your healing experience helped me a lot to grow exponentially! I would have needed months or maybe even years to know and be able to do what I’m doing just after several months as a Reiki Master. Thank you!
Sending you much Love and Light, and Pono for all your decisions! (Pono means in Hawaiian doing the right thing.)
Aloha, Jenna