Welcome. Please Join Me for Your Hypnosis Session.
!! This hypnotic suggestion text consists of two following parts. Please, read the instructions first.
You can apply the following hypnotic suggestions to support your preparation for a sporting contest.
After you have learned and initiated a trance in self-hypnosis, you will be able to use the self-hypnosis to be on top of your performance on the day of your sports event.
Please, read the article about applying self-hypnosis first. You will find detailed guidelines that you can follow easily.
It is indeed a very easy way how you can learn hypnosis at home. With this method, you will support your bodily training but also get in alignment mentally and emotionally.
How to Use Self-Hypnosis?
You can record the suggestions in your own voice and listen to your recording while in the trance. Also, a person you trust could read the hypnotic suggestions out loud to you. Feel free to use the hypnosis music on this website as a background to record your voice.
You can also listen to the music while initiating a trance state and during your hypnosis session. The soft sounds will support a deeper trance and more relaxation.
To apply Self Hypnosis is a very simple and fast way! It works easily. In addition, you will be amazed by how simple it is to boost your training and focus mentally and emotionally on the best result.
How would it be to make the first place in your contest or maybe even beat the record?
What would it mean for your profession and career?
I will now help you to program your Inner Guide.
Your deepest interior.
You have a desire to change something.
You have the desire to reinforce and improve something.
You want to become better. You want to do something to improve and optimize your athletic performance.
You want to be at the top of your performance at the time of your sports event.
Success in Sports Is a Matter of Subconscious Mind
Sport is almost always a matter of the subconscious mind.
Movement, motivation, endurance, concentration – all of this is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind and you will now activate your inner powers.
So that they can develop completely.
So that you have all the power that your subconscious mind possesses.
You are fully focused on your sports goals.
Your body is doing everything to be fit for your contest. It does everything to be healthy and capable so that you can perform your sports discipline optimally.
In training as well as in competition you will feel that your body fully supports you.
And in competition, your subconscious mind will fully develop its powers.
More than ever, you’ll notice how it provides you with the most intense abilities.
The closer the day of the competition moves, the more you focus your attention on all the factors that determine your performance.
On the day of the competition, you show what your subconscious mind can really do.
You bring a 100 percent performance.
You enter the competition with a strong mental attitude.
You concentrate entirely on your goal. As if by itself.
Your concentration focuses on its own.
As if everything else was fading out.
It’s natural for you to show your best performance.
Because you have the advantage of being mentally prepared in addition to your physical training.
That is a decisive advantage.
Top Athletes Know that the Victory Happens in Head and Heart
For top athletes have long known that physical training is one part, but that competitions are decided to a large extent in the head.
That the mental attitude and the support of the subconscious mind are often the deciding factors that make really successful athletes.
The idea of being successful causes it to transform itself inwardly and lend abilities that seem to go beyond normal.
Skills that make others wonder: “How does she do that? Where does she take this skill and this power from where does she take that serenity?”
And you only have one picture in mind: You see yourself as the champion.
In the position, at the place, you wish.
Whenever you think about yourself, you see yourself as a successful athlete.
As a member of this privileged club of the talented, who seem to be doing so well on their own.
You have every right to succeed. You are about to achieve your greatest success.
All levels of your being, your body, your mind, your soul, your feelings open wide and help you to express the winner, the talents that you carry within you.
Look at your inner eye.
You stand upright and confident because you will show your best performance in all your disciplines.
During the competition, you are confident, calm and relaxed.
Your body’s adrenaline gives you the power and stamina you need for your best performance. Please, continue to read here.
Continue to the second part of the hypnotic suggestions.