Our world is changing. The old unresolved uncertainties give way to new ones. Coronavirus/COVID19 headlines dominate the media and our minds.
We, humans, will adapt as we always do, and this will eventually pass by. Nevertheless, what can we do right now, in the eye of the storm, sitting at home or, as we begin to venture out again, wanting to remain safe and healthy?
Locked down or out-and-about, the best thing to do is to take care of ourselves and our loved-ones — reducing stress, tensions, and anxiety to feeling better; staying clear-minded, strengthening our immune and nervous system, maintaining a pain-free body. These are all attributes that can help to cope with the current global situation and the COVID19, and …. support our health as we move into the future.
Image Pixabay, Lockdown
There is an easy way to do so. Indeed, all you need is FOCUS.
What is FOCUS? FOCUS is a hemp extract, commonly called CBD. But stop! Before I introduce you to more details, let us see what is the main effect of using CBD, and what FOCUS, in particular, has done for people I personally know and for my husband and me, and what FOCUS can also do for you!
What Can FOCUS Do for You?
I know personally some spectacular examples of how the FOCUS extract works which will astound you!
The first amazing example is Lyn, a very good friend of mine who had been suffering from severe coughing for over three months. None of her doctors could find a cause but tested her for everything you can get a medical lab test for.
She applied different antibiotics with little or zero effects. Sleepless nights, coughing all night, drained her physically and mentally turning also the days into torture. And she couldn’t get any rest during the day because of the constant coughing.
Additionally, red spots occurred on her face and her doctors couldn’t explain that either – it was unclear if the symptoms had the same root. She decided to try FOCUS and one application on her face made the spots simply go away overnight. And three weeks after taking FOCUS orally, Lyn wasn’t coughing any more and has felt good ever since.
Image Pixabay, Protected and Safe
There are other, even more spectacular, cases I can share with you. A very impressive one is Dana who had suffered from heavy asthma attacks for most of her life. And, for the past three years, she had been suffering from fibromyalgia-type pain, had been bedridden, and having to depend on her family for even the most basic daily activities.
A lifelong friend had introduced Dana to FOCUS which she began taking, and, within days, she got out of bed by herself and went outside to enjoy the fresh air!
I met Dana recently in a workshop and seeing her, vibrant and active, and interacting with others, I could barely believe her long story of suffering.
Another truly miraculous case is the case of Breeze’s grandson, who after an accident as a young boy, suffered from frequent epileptic seizures for over nine years. This young man recently celebrated being seizure-free for over two years!!
Isn’t it amazing?
What Is the Main Job of CBD?
The main job of the hemp plant’s cannabinoids (CBD and THC being the most well-known) is to support the human body in obtaining the ideal state of Homeostasis, or Balance.
Image, Pixabay, Ideal State of Homeostasis
Simply put, Homeostasis is the perfect balance of all the cells in the body’s basic functions. When the body dwells in this perfect balance, all its systems work smoothly and as they were designed to function. All cells, tissues, and organs are perfectly nurtured and oxygenated, can easily detoxify waste products, and supply you with the energy you need to be the best version of yourself and create a life you love and enjoy.
When you hear people’s testimonials when they use hemp products or search online for people’s experiences, you’ll find stories of both great health benefits and sometimes not. Why might this be?
There could be many reasons but it could very likely be how the product taken, had been formulated. For example, if the size of the molecules is too large, their ability to enter the bloodstream quickly and be fully absorbed in the mouth without having to go through the digestive system is decreased. If the hemp extract was in a “carrier oil,” that significantly decreases the absorption into the body’s cells and therefore reduces the benefits of taking the extract.
Image, Pixabay, Blood Cells Absorbing Goodies
I consider myself a very healthy person and I’m using FOCUS mainly to improve my performance and focus while working. I enjoy the calm, clear, and motivated state of mind drinking purified water with a few drops of FOCUS dissolved in it. Since using FOCUS, I also experience significantly fewer sleepless nights. Truly a gift!
FOCUS works for me in other ways — decreasing stress-related psoriasis in my face, helping ease headaches, and I also apply it after mosquito bites to ease the itching!
Image, Pixabay, Sore Hands
FOCUS relieves pain quickly! The first time my husband applied it on his sore hands was a big surprise for him. His profession as an auto mechanic usually means heavy physical work with his hands. Nobody can tell how many times he has hit his thumb with a heavy hammer. As a result, he suffers from joint inflammations and extreme touch sensitivity.
That day he applied the extract for the first time on his hands, he was not sure it would help. He had been concerned about his hands for a long time because he barely could grab anything by his left hand. He is a left-hander. After putting a few drops of FOCUS on his thumb, he was able to feel an almost instant pain relief! Magic!
FOCUS can do magic, also for you!
In the second part of the article, you will find a summary of scientific findings related to CBD, CBG and the Terpenes, the main active ingredients in FOCUS. Learn more about what they can do for your emotional, mental and physical well-being! To continue reading the article, please, click here.
Me llama mucho la atención el producto FOCUS para el Balance del cuerpo, los casos que mencionas en este artículo tenían sintomas como tos, convulsiones y manchas en el rostro. Sabes si está indicado para usarlo de una manera preventiva y codiniana? Mencionas que tú lo usas para mejorar tu enfoque y rendimiento, con qué frecuencia puede ser consumido y en qué dosis?
Hola Nicole!
Thank you for your interest in FOCUS and your questions!
Here are the answers:
Do you know if it is indicated to use it in a preventive way?
Yes, absolutely! FOCUS will support all your bodily systems to return to the ideal state called Homeostasis where everything is working with ease, and your immune system can do its job in the best way. A strong immune system means protection for you!
You mentioned that you use FOCUS to improve your focus and performance. How often can it be consumed and in what doses?
The manufacturer recommends applying half of the dropper in the morning and evening. However, I recommend starting with a few drops, 3 or 4 mornings and evenings, and watch for two days how that works for you. Additionally, you can add a few drops of the product to the purified water and drink it sip by sip while working. This is what I do and it works GREAT!
Here you can read more about what the scientists found out about CBD, CBG, and Terpenes!
Thank you very much for your comment and questions! I appreciate it!
Let me know if you have more questions or would like more support!
Sending much Love and Light!
Aloha, Jenna
I started using CBD extract after got a recommendation from a friend in New Jersey, I really fear health issues are not debatable as it provides comfort for you and your love ones. This article is so informative for mostly those who have not tried the products before now. I will suggest you give it a shot!
Aloha Peter!
Sorry for the delay!
I absolutely agree. To know how a product works for you you need to try it. Period. Then you can decide if you want to save the money now and later have the costs of no having taken care of your health issues. I would always decide for my health!
There is a huge difference when comparing CBD products. Many products, maybe most of them on the market have organic coconut oil as a basis. I tried a few of them with not so great results. FOCUS is different! It also contains CBG and it is utilizing an absolutely amazing, novel, and proprietary procedure using high-force-frequencies, called Sonicated Nano Technology™, to create ultra fine-sized liposomal molecules. Therefore it is highly absorbable! You can feel instantly it is working 🙂
Thank you for taking the time and commenting! I appreciate it!
Lots of Love!
Aloha, Dr Jen
Hello there! Thanks for sharing this review, this is something I’ve actually been waiting for for a very long time. Its finally here, all thanks to you, kudos. As a fitness trainer, it is only necessary that I wait on something like this because we have to know how exactly to give our customers the best treatment. The best for me still remain yoga and stretching, nothing can ever beat that, makes you love yourself and feel like a strong person. Thanks for the review.
Aloha Phil!
Thank you so much for the kudos! Highly appreciated!!
It is so important to educate people about the benefits of CBD/CBG so they can make good decisions. So valuable especially in COVID times!
Thank you for taking the time and commenting!
Lots of Love and Light!
Aloha, Dr Jen
hellooo dear, thanks for sharing such an amazing post with us all, i was actually doing some research online when i saw this post, wow what a wonderful content you have here, it really is amazing, i actually read it to the end because of your choice of words and writing skills is really something to save and come back for future reference, i really do like this fancy post alot, it really has made my day fun, thanks alot for the info, it has been the best so far I found online … wow, you really enlightened me.
Thank you so much for the kudos! I appreciate it!
Thank you for your time and commenting on my post!
Much Love!
Aloha, Dr Jen
hello again dear, your post enlightened me so much that i just forgot about asking my questions 😉
Could you say something about the extraction method – it sounds really interesting! i never heard about this method.
and how to dose the product in the best way? it is hard to find such information online. in general it is hard to find information on how to dose cbd products!
thanks alot.
Aloha again!
There are different methods to extract the compounds from the plant. The majority of extraction procedures utilize ethanol to extract the compounds. That not only doesn’t sound nice …
FOCUS, however, is formulated using high-force-frequencies, called Sonicated Nano Technology™, to create ultra fine-sized liposomal molecules. Because the liposomes are very, very tiny, as small as 10-20nm, the body begins absorbing the extract within nano-seconds just after you have dropped the extract into your mouth.
The industrial standard of non-sonicated liposomal molecules has an average size of 50-100+nm, significantly decreasing the absorption of the hemp molecules into the body’s cell membranes. Unable to enter the cell membranes of the mouth, these molecules end up going through the digestive system and get wasted. It only matters how much CBD gets absorbed! Additionally, the Sonicated Nano Technology™ formulation is more natural and way safer than the procedures using ethanol in the extraction process which is still the mainstream process for CBD products made by most hemp companies.
Your second question: The manufacturer recommends to apply a half dropper mornings and evening. However, based on my own experience, I would suggest starting with a few drops and experiment with it. Depends on how you feel apply more or less.
Hope this helps!
If you have more questions, just put it into a comment field or drop me an email.
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Dr Jen