Why Should YOU Join too?
The Internet gives us the opportunity to connect with each other worldwide. Doesn’t matter where you are located and where I, we can come together and work together on projects, ideas, also help to save our planet. Right?
Don’t you think our Earth needs help? Unfortunately, she really does.
We humans – only one of the countless numbers of species living on the Earth – managed that our Earth, our Mother, and our home is endangered.
This happened especially in the last four centuries since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We took unscrupulously, destroyed the forests, polluted the oceans, grabby and irresponsibly consumed all resources our Earth provided and still provides us with.
Image: Pixabay, Burning Gaia
And, if we did not do this ourselves, at some point in our life, we allowed others to do so, silently watching them doing.
Let us stop it! Let us take responsibility and stand up for our planet. There is less to do than you would think. Look at the picture below. This could be our result.
Image from the Youtube video: Scientists’ Warning at Foresight Group, EU Commission
I want to introduce you to bUnited Internet platform. It was founded intentionally for this reason for us to come together and do the shift together for our planet. The only thing you need to do is to sign up. However, you can do more.
But first off, I’m going to address three reasons why you should act instantly!
Climate Change Is an Immense Threat to Children
Do you agree that children are our future? Once they will take over and become the leaders of our society. They are precious for they are our greatest resource.
Do we acknowledge and appreciate it?
There is hardly a bigger threat to children around the world than the fast progressing climate change. This global climate crisis risks destroying many of the advances that have been made for the benefit of children, especially for the survival and development of poor children. Together we can do something about it.
Children are most vulnerable in any crisis. Extreme weather conditions all around the world are no exception anymore. They are a rule. There are long periods of drought, hurricanes and over-floods impair the nutritional basis and cause children to suffer from hunger and malnutrition.
Image: Pixabay, A poor child on the street
Also due to increasingly extreme weather conditions, the number of humanitarian crises, and also the number of affected people who need to flee from the affected areas, is increasing.
Climate change is exacerbating water scarcity and particularly hitting children and the poorest in our society. 2.2 billion children grow up with the consequences of climate change. They pay the highest price for it – with their childhood, their health and in many cases with their lives.
The climatic changes favor diseases that are responsible for almost 10 percent of the deaths of children under five years.
But this is not enough. Now on top of this already fragile situation, some companies want to add the 5G Technology that would destroy the life on the Earth.
Image: Pixabay, Poverty, Slums, Children
5G Is the Most Current Threat for All of Us and for Our Planet
What is 5G?
5G is a new (the fifth) generation of wireless technology that is using millimeter waves. The former generations of the wireless technology utilized waves working on longer distances. And, already they were not healthy for us.
5G technology works on short distances and needs a tight coverage of towers, practically every 50 or 100 yards, to work properly.
Image: Video “Ex DHS Employee Reveals All In This Interview On This Coming Technology” by Dana Ashlie
There is no serious research done yet on this technology and even though, it is already planned to be launched in 2020. There are 5G test towers installed in some cities in the U.S. even though 5G technology is untested for any biological impact!
Though there are no studies on 5G technology, we already know how devastating is the impact of this technology on the human body. 5G technology is working as a microwave oven is working! It is burning from inside of the body. Please, click here to read more about 5G.
Can you imagine the impact of 5G on children’s bodies?
Collective Against Reckless Companies – the Case Brent Spar
Do you remember Brent Spar?
Brent Spar was a large floating oil storage buoy that was in service in the North Sea. Shell took it out of service in 1991 and in 1995 a series of strange events on the buoy were reported.
Image: Wikipedia
Shell planned to sink the still oil loaded buoy in the Northern Atlantic, at North Feni Ridge, approximately 160 mi (about 250 km) from the west coast of Scotland, at a depth of around 1.6 mi (about 2.5 km). And this with UK government permission!!
Image: Wikipedia, Brent Spar Route
Can you imagine how this one of the most scenic island landscape would look like? Thank Greenpeace and collective support we could prevent a catastrophe!
Image: Wikipedia, Greenpeace/ Sims 1995, Water canon is sprayed round Brent Spar to stop Greenpeace supplies to occupying activists, North Sea
“Greenpeace organized a worldwide, high-profile media campaign against this plan occupying Brent Spar for more than three weeks. In the face of public and political opposition in northern Europe (including a widespread boycott of Shell service stations, some physical attacks and an arson attack on a service station in Germany), Shell abandoned its plans to dispose of Brent Spar at sea — whilst continuing to stand by its claim that this was the safest option, both from an environmental and an industrial health and safety perspective.” (Source: Wikipedia)
In Germany, the Shell gas stations stayed empty for more than two weeks. I remember the ghost gas stations. Nobody got gas there. I think the boycott of Shell happened in entire Western Europe. Shell lost milliards, and they never did it again.
As you can see, together we are strong! Together, we do have a voice.
And yes. With bUnited we people would have even a stronger voice!
Why Have I Joined bUnited?
The goal of bUnited is, in short, a safe, fair and sustainable world. With the money of sponsoring business partners – large global operating companies – initiatives against global warming, pollution, and poverty could soon be financially supported or even fully funded.
So, instead of sucking out and damaging our planet the companies would take their responsibility to save it for the future generations.
Image: Image: Video of Scientists’ Warning at Foresight Group, EU Commission, edited by Jenna Foster
You could play an important part in it. How? Helping bUnited to become strong and influential when joining, and inviting your friends and family. Then bUnited as a whole would become the biggest customer in the world and very attractive to probably most global players.
Why? This is simple. Because most companies want to satisfy especially their biggest customers and therefore they do everything that they can to make their biggest customers happy.
There are two basic requirements a company has to meet to become bUnited’s partner:
– Financing at least one climate protection initiative and save rainforests or plant trees, and
– building own sustainable business.
Thank you very much for being here, reading and, maybe, considering joining. I hope so very much! 🙂
If you want to learn more about it: How to join? What can you expect as a bUnited member? What goals does bUnited pursue? What are the benefits for the Earth? What are the benefits to our society? What are your benefits?
Please, click here to read more detailed information about bUnited.
I hope you enjoyed the first part of this blog. Please, leave your opinion below the post. If you found the information helpful, please, share it!
If our Earth, our children, and your own well-being and health are important to you, please, click here to join!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
Thank you. I agree with what you’ve said about 5G. The older wifi waves were already damaging to us. Now they want to install 5G everywhere? It’s not going to be good. But, everyone just goes along with it, they want to sweep it under the rug. So, thank you for speaking the truth.
I joined bUnited too, because it is a good cause. If we can unite against these big companies then we can put a stop to them. I already signed up but I would sign up through your link, if I hadn’t already.
There are so many things going on in the world that alone, we can’t change. But together we could change them. Good website and good message.
Thank you very much, C, for this comment! I have read it with goosebumps all over my body, almost painful 🙂 Yes, together we can! Imagine us people connected by HEART … what could we change? What could we improve? What could we accomplish?
I’m glad to hear you already signed up!! Every time I go to bUnited website my very first glimpse wanders to the blue like button with right now 1.3 million likes. I’m looking forward to 1.4 million and then 1.5 … We are responsible! We need to get active! Never before was so easy to help to save our Earth!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
With Aloha from Hawaii, Jenna
Hi Jenna,
Thank you so much for your insight and research on this platform….organization. Very much appreciated! To be honest, I thought it’s just like other site that offer nothing, but rather scam its members. I’m glad I read this post, I wouldn’t have know it has such a great vision. I’m joining already, and I will also share this post.
Kind regards!
Aloha Jordan!
Thank you so much for taking time and commenting on my post! I’m very glad to hear! Yes, this platform and this idea to get people together to achieve great things for our planet, our society, and our health are awesome. I waited for something like that for a long long time! I will post more on this topic soon. It is indeed a great vision. Imagine the changes, Jordan!!
Together, and in alignment with our Earth, our nature, and the entire ecology we could make it! We could create a Paradise here! Can you see it? I can, and I get really touched when I do!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
I must say that I agree with boycotting Shell for what they did and Greenpeace occupying the bouy to prevent this catastrophe but there is no way that I could support arson or physical attacks. We need to stand united in the face of such things but it also needs to be done in a humane way. Hit them in the wallet but not by physical violence that could endanger innocent human lives.
I absolutely agree with you, Darlene! There shouldn’t be violence! And we don’t need to! For if we understand those things and act together in the right way, MINDFULL, making good and informed decisions, we would have so much power! Wouldn’t we?
What the politics and especially global operating big companies do to our planet and us, is only possible, because we agree with that and consume, consume, consume!
We can change and rebuild the entire structure of our society. Nobody needs to stay hungry and without a roof over the head. There is so so much money around that could help!
Thank you for visiting my website, Darlene! I appreciate it!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha. Jenna
Nature is already suffering from the cruel action of the people in the name of civilization. Every damn creature suffer alot for the implications these so called technology left behind. My rib cracked together with heartbroken when I see many helpless people that have been rendered useless due to the awful effect of environment pollution and the hazards that accompanied it. In my own opinion, I don’t support this 5G technology that might be going viral very soon as a result of revolution. If only people can hear the grieve of the earth, they wouldn’t have stayed a second without having pity on her.
Oh wow! Thank you for this wonderful, strong, powerful comment, Stella! Really touched me! I cannot really add a lot to it than to say YES!
Only the point about the 5G technology I like to make stronger! This technology created by mindless minds is a poison! It is invisible radiation that will first hit the most sensitive beings like bees. Bees are already dying massively. Many kinds have been gone already without being influenced by this technology. More of them will perish from this planet soon. It is happening right now in front of our eyes. Also, birds are dying. It is the beginning. Our forests will die reducing the amount of oxygen in the air. Children will become sick, then the adults. Also, this is already happening. There are already many test-towers installed.
WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for that! Not only the politician and big bosses. WE! WE can change! And we can heal our planet and take better care for it, as it does take care of us!
Thank you very much for your comment. It made me cry answering. But it is also uplifting to read your opinion. I hope there are many guys like you and me, and Taetske and Linda, and Dennis and hopefully many others!
Sending lots of Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
Nice and informative article about bUnited. I had pretty similar reasons to join bUnited and the power of people united can make great changes. No major changes or “revolutions” won’t be achieved by individuals but a group of individuals united! 🙂 I try also to keep people informed about how we ignore or underrate some of the most hazardous industries for our climate like the fashion industry. The fashion industry needs huge amounts of water and its co2 emissions are higher than all aviation and marine traffic of the planet combined. Sometimes it’s ridiculous how some people tell how people should avoid using planes on holiday trips while the same guys using makeup always and buy new shirts and jeans every single year and practically never recycled clothes. However, thanks for sharing this, hopefully, we get lots of people down for this!
Thank you, Jesse, for taking time for reading and your great comment on my post!
Yes, the fashion industry! This a GREAT point! Consumers buy tons of fabrics every single day. Are they aware of how the fabrics are manufactured? How much chemicals and sweat of poor workers, often women and kids who are working for pennies, are woven into them?
We are consumers and decide about the success and failure of businesses. We could support the good ones! It is “only” a matter of being aware, being conscious and make the right decision. United we could support good, sustainable businesses, instead of feeding the big ones which are harming us and our Earth!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
BtW, my oldest clothing is good over 20 years old, still good to go for I mostly buy classic things, means you can wear them forever. If you spend a few more bucks the clothing is also holding up very nice.
This articles is just excellent. This is the first time I’m Reading about bUnited and it’s a really great opportunity for me to have come across such a useful and interesting post. I solely agree with you that mother Earth needs help and we as humans aren’t helping. bUnited is a good innovation, it’ll help bring together different people form different places to form a group that’ll stop these acts that’s causing damage to our planet. I pity the younger generation because it’s obvious that they’ll be the one to bear the consequences of these actions. About 5G, it’s going to be a total disaster and I think something should be done about it. I’ll join bUnited ASAP and share it to some other platforms so they’ll do so too. Thanks
Aloha Jones!
Thank you very much!
Yes, bUnited is the best ever idea to get together and help our Earth and ourselves. I often experienced how much, many hands can move. I come from Germany and lived at the beautiful Lake Werdersee that is located middle in the city of Bremen. This lake and its shores became very messy, and I got so angry, and at some point, I decided to clean it. You cannot imagen how much I could pick at only 50 yards of the shore. … Later I met some guys who have founded an organization and then we cleaned together, laughing and joking, and pedestrians gifted coffee to us. And the entire shore of the central lake with the worse trash around became clean and stayed clean. I was jogging around almost every day, so I know. It stayed clean, for it harder for even for mindless people to dump their trash in nature if everything is nice and clean.
Yes, please join bUnited!! Your voice is important!!
Sending much Love and Light your way!
Aloha, Jenna
Really sad that the earth that was once perfect and sustainable for every creature is now a mess. I believe that even if we increased in number, there was no way the earth would be too small for us. I am convinced that if we all used the natural resources granted to us by mother earth, everything will be as they ought to be. I like the bUNited concept that is uniting people from all over via internet. I think this is one great way to help reach as many people as possible. The facts on 5G technology are really worrying and scary at the same time. This should be a wake-up call to all corporate organizations and the people at large, to re-think about this precious life.
Thank you for this insigftul article.
Yes, Carol! Our Earth blesses us with numerous gifts every day and we humans take it for granted. We treat Earth as our possession, but she isn’t. We belong to Earth but Earth doesn’t belong to us! Our only job here is to be happy, learn and grow, and our duty is to take care of our planet so she can become even more beautiful. 5G means the death of all life including us.
Thank you very much for taking the time and commenting on my post, Carol. My heart filled up with gratitude reading! Thank you!
Sending much Love and Light!
Aloha, Jenna
Hi Jenna,
As you mentioned, this earth is the living place for many species. Unfortunately, we are thinking and acting in the way that this earth is only for humans not for any other species and that’s the reason Mother Nature is struggling now.
Our ancestors left a great planet for us, but we are finishing and spoiling everything. I am wondering what our next generation will do. For sure, they will criticize us, and this is high time we need to take action.
The information you shared about 5G gave me exposure to the subject, and I am really afraid and worried. We are our own enemies.
One of my friends referred me to bUnited and immediately I joined it. That’s one of the best decisions I made this year. Everyone needs to join bUnited and it’s the way to go and contribute to our mother nature.
Aloha Paul!
It was very uplifting to read your comment and your opinion! Yes, taking action is the only way that helps our planet and us. We need to wake up. As long many people value more having a fast internet than having fresh air to breathe it is hard to make changes. But at the very moment, when more people understand that they are doing it for themselves and their kids, and become active, we will have it in our hands.
Yes, our present is in our hands, and so is our future. All needed is to recognize that and take action. It never was easier to help than with a platform like bUnited. Congratulations on signing up already!!
Sending much Love and Light yout way!
Aloha, Jenna