Healing Changes With Cats Through Ho‘oponopono
Nani and Honda
Last Sunday a rescue cat was offered to my husband and me. It was an exceptional beautiful Silver Point Siamese eight-weeks-old girl with the name Bella. She was meant to go to the Humane Society, but a good soul helped her and took her into her home.
There was so much energy in this kitten that the woman simply couldn’t handle her in her apartment. We said “Yes” to Bella which we later renamed in Nani – what in Hawaiian means “beautiful”.
We didn’t know those things with the energy and strong will yet. What we saw, was simply a super sweet kitten that needed a new home.
Would it have changed our decision if we had known? Probably not.
Little Nani looking very innocent.
We brought her home to another kitten, a male, that we rescued on New Year’s Day.
We found him in very bad shape on my husband’s Honda St 1300 and named him Honda.
Our Honda! He is a super cute boy!
First off, all seemed going well with Nani’s move to us. She was hissing hard at Honda but otherwise, she was friendly to us.
That changed after I had walked her in the yard in the evening what she enjoyed very much.
After coming back indoors again, Nani became extremely aggressive and really mean, swatting and biting.
We could not touch her anymore or approach her closer than two feet.
Nani spent the night in the laundry box. We really weren’t prepared for those happenings.
Getting up the next morning we hoped, she would be OK again. But she wasn’t.
I knew that getting animals together needs time. Decades ago, I already brought
together a German Shepherd and a four-weeks-old male kitten that somebody found and simply left with me.
That time I took a week off to initiate getting together and to assist, and help in the process of building a relationship of the two so different animals.
So, I was completely clear about it that Honda and Nani will need some of my attention on Monday. It seemed impossible to let Nani run free in the yard. In the morning, she still was in an extremely aggressive mood. Therefore, we walked her in the yard on the leash as the night before.
Healing Means Being In The Present Moment
Also, on Tuesday, her mood improved very little, but as much that I was able to bring Honda and Nani together on the bed, quieting and comforting both of them.
While I was completely in the present moment, watching every expression of their bodies, I was preparing myself to react fast to any occurring changes.
Suddenly, I heard myself whispering the four magic phrases:
“I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please, forgive me.
Thank you.”
Practicing Ho’oponopono!
I watched my mind discerning if Ho’oponopono could be the appropriate method to help these cats. But I felt in my heart that I wanted to try. And, my mouth was already whispering the magic phrases. I allowed the magic to flow.
Honda looked to me with his big beautiful eyes and tears came up in mine. I felt his pain and his sadness being alone, hungry and sick for long months. I wasn’t able to feel Nani. She was still caught in her rage.
I intensely whispered the phrases for about an hour being physically close to the cats. I continued to whisper: – “I love you. I’m sorry. Please, forgive me. Thank you.” – for the entire day, doing some work that didn’t ask a lot of attention.
On Wednesday morning, Nani started to sound like an eight-weeks-old kitten again, complaining about her prison. For us, it was a sign to get her off the laundry box.
On Thursday, we were able to let both cats running together in the yard. It was magic, and I thanked God many times with tears of gratitude in my eyes.
I bet, you wonder how Hoopono’pono was helping the cats?
In fact, the question is how Hoopono’pono was helping me, making me able to help my cats.
What Is Ho’oponopono?
What is Ho’oponopono? Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian Prayer to forgive and to receive forgiveness, and reconcile.
Translated into English Hoʻoponopono simply means edit or correction, with the synonyms to manage or to supervise. Traditional Hoʻoponopono is practiced by Hawaiian healers, and often also within the family by a certain family member.
I got in touch with Ho’oponopono in 2007 during my training to a life coach.
Later on, I learned from Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len how to practice this great Prayer.
Ihaleakala Hew Len practiced that Hawaiian Healing Prayer as a cleansing method based on love to oneself. He and his method got more publicity after his powerful prayer caused amazing improvements and healing to patients in a psychiatric hospital while he constantly repeated:
“I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please, forgive me.
Thank you.”
He said it over and over again while reviewing the patients’ files. Few months after he started to pray improvements occurred in the hospital: The patients, who needed to be shackled, were allowed to walk freely. Other patients were taken off medications. Later on, even the worst cases could get improvement or even patients became healed and released back into society.
My Experience With Ho’oponopono
I started to practice Ho’oponopono myself in 2013, mainly to clear my relationships with my parents and to clear other challenging relationships. Also, as a life coach, I used Ho’oponopono in cases where I felt the client could be open for this method. Then I passed this Prayer to them.
But the really profound experiences with Ho’oponopono I have since I live in Hawaii. It started after an online course by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, that I attended in November 2017, where Hew Len explains how the Prayer is working:
While you are praying the four magic sentences God is erasing your memories. You won’t know which memories will disappear. You simply have to trust that the right ones will be erased. While your mind becomes emptied and cleared, your life becomes better and better.
Well, I thought I need to try the Prayer in this new, more extended way than I was used to applying it. I started to pray with Ho’oponopono in December 2017 and kept going to pray until the end of August 2018.
Do you wonder how it is possible in our mundane world to pray constantly for nine months?
It is possible!
After only a few hours after starting to pray with Ho’oponopono, I was able to pray and think simple thoughts simultaneously.
I prayed even while talking. Yes, it is possible. The Prayer becomes a healing mantra sounding in your inner itself.
During the nine months, I purified myself with Ho’oponopono.
My thoughts became less, more clear and independent.
My abilities extended or woke up.
Since then, I talk less and follow much better the language of my heart.
Expect Healing!
What happened to the cats through Ho’oponopono? Probably Ho’oponopono didn’t do anything directly to the cats. But, I purified myself and the cats relaxed and followed the purified energy.
I’m very grateful, wise ancestors left that divine method with us to remember us and to come back to ourselves; being able to come back home.
Forgiveness, gratitude, and love. Image: Britta Kuhnen
Mahalo for taking time, reading and commenting on my blog!!
I recommend this method to each of you and will help each one of you, who like to try it!
Please, try Ho’oponopono! It is so simple and so powerful! I wish you to meet your purer Self soon!
I hope you enjoyed the blog and could gain new wisdom from it.
I would love to read your comments about what you think, and, hopefully about your experiences you made with Ho’oponopono.
So, please, please take a couple of minutes and
give me feedback!
If you have any questions, please, write them down and send them to me too! I
would love to support you on your way!
Please, join me in my next blog.
Until then all the best for you!
Love and light to you!
Aloha, Jenna
Live Up To You!
Dearest Jenna,
I am a believer that we have a Loving Heavenly Father that loves all his children. and all that was created was created for us. And I am a fervent believer that the Hawaiian culture in ancient times had a very close relationship with the Father as did many of the Islanders though time.
He teaches us through our own understanding. Also believe that there are three types of healing, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual, in that order. Spiritual being the highest of them all “the promise after the storm”.
My Mother was a very special sole, she had the capacity of hearing other life forms. This didn’t take place all the time. She explained it as being for her edification when she needed to understand something important in her life. You might understand it as being taught through the Spirit. So at various times in her life was able to communicate with the animal world.
She understood that all life forms have their own frequency of communication and for some reason, sometimes we are able to come down to that frequency and understand what the other creator is trying to communicate to us.
The love you were projecting to Nani she was able to accept it and not be a scared any longer and love those back that are showing her and loving her.
It has been my pleasure to have met you and be a friend on your healing techniques. Learning never stops and knowledge is the only thing that we can take with us when it is our time to return home.
always a better way
sending blessings your way
Aloha Linda, dear friend!
Yes! I absolutely agree!! I believe there are three levels of connectedness to God or simpler: Being in God.
The primary connection is original wisdom handed down from generation to generation to know and to experience that all is in God and all is God, doesn’t matter what: living beings including us humans, organic and non-organic matter.
The secondary connection is typically us, humans. We experience ourselves, life and matter as separated from God. We consider God outside, somewhere in Heaven.
We reach the third level of connectedness with God – when we understand and physically, mentally and spiritually experience that all is One – what means after we overcame the idea of separation from God. Some belief systems are still based in the first level as e.g. Aborigines culture or Hawaiian Huna.
Some of us, like your Mom, you and me and many others still have that door open to God’s Creation.
Praying with Ho’oponopono I opened the original space of connectedness with God. Love – what is also God – did the rest.
As a child, I desired to talk to animals as Dr. Dolittle could. But first, after my move to Hawaii, I understood and experienced that animals and plants are always talking to us, teaching us! We only need to be willing to listen. God is talking to us through his creation.
Nani became an absolutely loving kitten. I wish you could see how Honda and she are playing together. The only challenge left is to get Nani indoors after dusk or dawn. But I bet these particular times are most important to every outdoor cat. I’m learning! Smile!
To use Ho’oponopono is very simple: You need only to focus on what you want to purify and linger some time around repeating the four magic sentences. I love you! I’m sorry! Please, forgive me! Thank you! You determine the trajectory, and God is doing the rest.
Thank you so much, Linda, for taking time, reading and commenting! It is precious to me!!
Please let me know if I can support you in anyways. I would also love to answer any questions.
I send you love and light!
May God bless you, and the Universe provide you with all you need on your way back home!
Aloha, Jenna
What a powerfull prayer to yourself too Jenna.! We always take other’s well being in our thoughts but neclect ourselves.
With this there is no time to dwell on the negetive, it immediately puts it behind you and in the past.
Thank you for looking after us Jenna.
Looking forward to your next post.
Stella Bush Lady
Thank you so much for your awesome comment, dear Stella!! So true! And at the same time the way to become TRUE YOU is only possible on the foundation of true self-love.
The bad memories we store during our life times are working as magnets for new bad things/experiences to come into our lives. Let them go, makes room for really desirable, new expereinces!
Thank you so much, Stella for taking time for reading and commenting my post! I appreciate it a lot!
Send you love and light for your way!
Aloha, Jenna the Jungle Lady
Hello Jenna,
It was a delight to read your post about Ho’oponopono. I love the simplicity of the prayer by Ihaleakala Hew Len. Yes. I really believe in the power of words. Our subconscious mind is very sensitive to what we think and immediately reacts upon the words and thoughts we are nurturing it with. So you are so right, we have to speak to our inner mind gently and forgive ourselves and be grateful.
Thank you so much for the awesome tips you gave me on meditation the other day. It really helped me to get relaxed before and during the tests, I had to absolve last Monday.
I must add that I am really in awe hearing that you did pray for whole nine months, each and every day, each and every minute!
All the best,
Aloha Pernilla!
Thank you! I’m happy to hear!
When I used the prayer for the very first time, I was little bit sceptical. I wondered how constant repeating of the four phrases could work. For my very first Ho’oponopono session, I used a recorded call with Joe Vitale who was talking about mind as a white board with nothing on there. Simple clean and white. He explained the method and invited me to repeat the phrases loud out. I did as Joe asked me to do. First off, nothing happened. But after praying for about three minutes I got in tears. I was surprised, and I knew it was working.
You are right, Pernilla. The words have power. They can connect and bring love and light, and they can separate, and spread darkness around us. It is so important to nurture the light in us! The awesome side effect is that we raise not only our vibration; we also raise the vibration for everybody.
🙂 Thank you! You could think, the Prayer doesn’t work for so long. It does. The Prayer not only cleaned up my inner. It helped me through the eruption time and trained me to talk less and to think less. If your mind isn’t chatting all the time, you can listen to the insights hidden in you.
It makes me happy to hear, Pernilla! Congratulations to passing your tests!!! Wonderful job! I’m sure the results are great too! Please, let me know!
Thank you so much for taking time and reading and commenting on my post. Please, let me know if you have more questions or how I can support you in the future!
I’m there for you!
Love and light to you!
Aloha, Jenna
Hi Jenna, I am familiar with the four phrases myself, which I learned from Joe Vitale as well. Unfortunately I do not seem to have the discipline to remember to repeat it in my head or say it out loud for more then a couple of days lol. But I do believe as a previous comment said that our subconscious will respond.
With all the negativity bombarding us from the chaotic world we find ourselves in, we definitely need to interject with something more positive.
Thanks for the reminder and story to lead the way. Well put together!
Aloha Kevin!
It makes my happy to hear that you also learned the Ho’oponopono Prayer from Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len!
First off, I also applied the Prayer only to improve relationships. Later on, I offered it to certain clients about whom I thought that they are open to this wisdom. Only much later, and with the help of one more training I understood that this Prayer is our foundation, our home.
Yes, Kevin, your subconscious will respond! However, it is good to train the muscle! 🙂
Thank you very much, Kevin, for taking time for reading and commenting on my post!
Please, let me know if you have any questions or how I could support you! I’m there for you!
All the best to you!
Sending you love and light for your way!
Aloha, Jenna